Thursday, June 4, 2009

What would you do?

-------What would you do if you had power like Oprah? To tell you the truth you could do just about anything you wanted. You have the power of manipulation, people believe in what you have to say. They will do it too. It incredible what things a persons mind could think to do with power like that. I'm sure I like how Oprah uses hers. I would love to be able to sell anything I wanted. I would try to sell myself. I think I would still be broke.

-------Could a person run a 2 day marathon on the food he/she eats the day before the start of the race. If the food is made by a company Oprah says can give you energy for days. Then the answer is yes, this person can run a marathon a probably win. Its all in the manipulation and the mind will act. All I can say is if Oprah says it can, then it will.

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